Calendar Updates
The calendar on has been updated for the year 2018. Items may be added or changed as we are made aware of them. If you...
Membership Drive
Once again, it is that time of year when dues for membership in the Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club are due. As a non-ham, there are two...
Officer Nominations, 2018
It is time for officer nominations for 2018. The nominations are: President: Hurshel Pruitt - WB5MEX Vice President: Harvey Babb -...
October Meeting Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club Meeting Minutes October 5, 2017 Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Otto Bluntzer...
September Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club September 7, 2017 Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Harvey Babb - WB5MCT, Otto...