February Meeting Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club Feb 4, 2016 Meeting Minutes Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Hurshel Pruitt - WB5MEX, Dave Dodge - NV5C and Brian Haun - KG5AUZ Meeting called to order to 7:33 pm. Minutes from previous meeting were read by Luci. Jimmy moved to accept as read, second by Dave, motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: We have $250.76 in the bank and $6 cash for a total of $256.76. Jimmy moved to accept, second by Brian, motion passed. Public Relations: Nothing to report. Points of Interest: Winter Field Day was held Jan 30 at the Busy Bee. We made a total of 36 contacts and enjoyed the opportunity to observe Soren’s satellite radio setup. The schedules for the Family Outdoor Expo have been e-mailed. The event will be held on Feb 6 at Son Valley Ranch. Dave will set up VARC’s Net Friday afternoon. Old Business: ARRL: Hurshel has not had a chance to update the Coleto Creek entry. Radio: Hurshel has not had a chance to complete the programing. New Business: Jimmy passed the license plate renewal notice to Dave. Luci moved to adjourn, second by Brian. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm Submitted by Luci Podsim, Secretary.