August Meeting Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club August 4, 2016 Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Otto Bluntzer - WB2RJB, Dave Dodge - NV5C, Hurshel Pruitt - WB5MEX, Harvey Babb - WB5MCT, Brian Haun - KG5AUZ. Guests - Caralyn Podsim - KE5YWN and Mayo Vela Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. Previous meeting minutes were read. Harvey moved to accept as read, second by Dave, motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: We have $253.76 in the bank and $6 cash for a total of $259.76. Jimmy moved to accept, second by Luci, motion passed. Public Relations: Jimmy and Luci tried to add a blog to the website and ended up calling Harvey for help. Currently, logging in to post on the blog is difficult but we hope to fix that in the near future. We also plan on adding an admin login to make it easier to make changes to the website. Points of Interest: Since the Texas Water Safari was postponed to the weekend of Field Day, the club hosted a Postponement Fun Day at the Busy Bee. Equipment was tested, food was consumed, fellowship was enjoyed and the event was declared to be a success. Likewise, the Texas Water Safari was successfully completed on the final weekend of June. The Austin area hams will be hosting SummerFest on August 5 and 6 in Austin. Harvey asked if anyone is interested in obtaining some “vintage” ham gear. He has a friend who is needing to clear out some things. They will be free to a good home. Old Business: Hurshel renewed the license for the club’s call sign. EAS Donation: Hurshel has not been contacted about this as of this date. E.T. : Otto reported that the two meter antenna used for packet is broken. Dave will look into purchasing a new one. Otto still has plans to build a gas tank for the generator but plans to test the radio interference issue to determine if it is worth the time and effort. We still need to build the assembly for erecting a tower from the tower trailer. Otto said that he can do some of the work but will need help to complete the job. New Business: Otto asked if there were any historical records for the club. Luci and Jimmy said that they have a container that was found at Cliff’s house containing a disorganized jumble of stuff related to past club business. The repeater still needs some work. Harvey will try to plan a time to replace the bottom connector on the heliax end with hopes that doing so will fix the issues. Discussion was held regarding a second radio for ET. Jimmy suggested purchasing one of the dual band Baofeng radios with dual watch. Dave suggested looking at area hamfests for a used radio. A motion was made by Luci, seconded by Harvey to let Dave look. While this discussion was going on, Harvey was looking up the Baofeng on Amazon, read the price and description to the club and the decision was made, by unanimous acclamation, to purchase the radio on the spot. Dave reported that Cuero will be having a disaster drill in September. It is not known at this time if the ham community will be asked to participate. Dave will give more information on the subject at the September meeting. Jimmy moved to adjourn, second by Brian. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. Submitted by Luci Podsim, KD5RIF Secretary