Meeting Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club January 5, 2017 Attending: Jimmy Podsim-KD5QHH, Luci Podsim-KD5RIF, Hurshel Pruitt-WB5MEX, Dave Dodge-NV5C, Harvey Babb-WB5MCT, Bryan Haun-KG5AUZ, Erik Dismuke-WD5ENO and Vicki Dismuke-N/C. Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm. Previous minutes read. Jimmy moved to accept as read, second by Brian, motion passed. Treasurer’s report: We have $75.41 in the bank and $6 cash for a total of $81.41. Harvey moved to accept, second by Jimmy, motion passed. Public Relations: Jimmy has added a hit counter to the website. Also added an admin login which makes it easier for club members to log in from the website and post to the blog. After receiving several flyers in the mail, he also made several blog posts regarding upcoming ham radio events. Reminded the club members that they need to go to and register if they wish to participate in the Family Outdoor Expo on Feb. 4 at Son Valley in Victoria. Points of Interest: The San Antonio Hamfest will be on Jan 14 in Shertz. Hurshel reported that the Straight Key Century Club event will be taking place throughout the month of March. The event focuses on making as many CW contacts as possible. Old Business: The repeater work day was held with Harvey, Hurshel, Brian, Jimmy and Luci in attendance. It was discovered that a pin in the connector had a bad connection. The connection was re-done and, while the antenna was on the ground, it was taken apart to check all of the connections. No other issues were found and the repeater now works very well. EAS radios: Still pending contact. Due to the absence of of Otto, discussion on the antenna trailer was put on hold. New Business: The club received an e-mail from the ARRL section manager looking for clubs to participate in a possible Chisolm Trail On The Air event. There was not enough information for the club to make a decision on whether or not to participate. Hurshel appointed Jimmy as the Chisolm Trail Event Chairman to gather more information. Linking Repeaters: When the discussion of linking the 3.8 to the .64 began, the 3.8 was set to be moved from the elevator shaft to the sixth floor of Citizen’s Hospital. It since been decided that all of Citizen’s radios were to be moved to the basement. The Victoria Club opted out of the move because of the cost of feed line. Harvey is the person who knows how to set up the repeater for linking and the repeater is in an area that is not accessible to him. Therefore, the project has been placed on indefinite hold. Luci moved to adjourn, second by Dave. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.