Meeting Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club February 2, 2017 Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Hurshel Pruitt - WB5MEX, Otto Bluntzer - WB2RJB, Dave Dodge - NV5C and Brian Haun - KG5AUZ Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. Previous meeting minutes were read by Luci. Motion to accept as read by Otto, second by Jimmy, motion passed. Treasurer’s report: We had a starting balance of $75.41 in the bank. Membership dues of $121.00 were deposited leaving a balance of $196.41 in the bank. During the meeting, another $20.00 in membership dues were collected giving a final balance total of $216.41. Motion to accept by Jimmy, second by Brian, motion passed. Public Relations - Nothing to report. Points of Interest: The Victoria Amateur Radio Club has been asked to bring NET to the Hurricane Conference which will be held at the Victoria College Emergency Tech Complex, located at 7403 Lone Tree Road, on April 19, 2017. The Outdoor Family Expo will be on February 4, 2017 at Son Valley Ranch. Those who wish to volunteer should have already signed up on the Expo website so that background checks can be conducted prior to the event. Brian reported that the Cuero SkyWarn class had a good turnout. He also reported that he has been attending training for the DeWitt Community Emergency Response Team and will certify soon. Jimmy mentioned that the DeWitt County Office of Emergency Management has a good Facebook page operated by Coordinator Cindy Smith. This page will be helpful in keeping up with what’s going on in the county. Old Business: EAS Radios: Still no contact Chisholm Trail On The Air: Jimmy has sent an e-mail on this subject with no response as of this date. New Business: ET: Dave currently has possession of ET since taking it to the Winter Field Day at the Busy Bee. He has some ideas to explore regarding fixing the shelf and counter. He will implement as many of these ideas as are feasible. However, due to the age of our Emergency Trailer, Dave has suggested that if anyone knows where we can get a trailer, the club would be better served by fixing up an new trailer rather than continuing to put money into the old one. Luci moved to adjourn, second by Dave. Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Submitted by Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Secretary.