January 2019 Meeting Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club Meeting Minutes January 2019 Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Dave Dodge - NV5C, Brian Haun - KG5AUZ, Otto Bluntzer - WB2RJB, Hurshel Pruitt - WB5MEX, and Cindi Smith - guest. Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm. Previous meeting minutes read. Otto moved to accept as read, second by Jimmy. Motion passed. Treasurer’s report: No change since last meeting. We have $147.05 in the bank. Dave reminded the club that dues are due. Jimmy moved to accept, second by Otto. Motion passed. Public Relations: The easy address for the website still works (ccarc.info). The hit counter continues to go up. Points of Interest: The Family Outdoor Expo will be Feb 2, 2019 at Son Valley Ranch. Those wishing to volunteer need to go to familyoutdoorexpo.org and sign up as soon as possible. The San Antonio Radio Fiesta will be Jan 12, 2019 at Shertz. The Mid Coast Hurricane and Disaster Conference will be April 11, 2019. Tickets are available through Eventbrite for $25 - $30. To find the correct website, google Mid Coast Hurricane and Disaster Conference and click on the Eventbrite website. Old Business: VARC Radio Request: No action yet. Trailer and Generator: Otto says that the generator work and has two interchangeable gas tanks. Jimmy reports that the covered place to store the trailer that he thought he would be able to secure fell through. New Business: Winter Field Day will be January 26 and 27. Hurshel says that Harvey has offered the Busy Bee. Otto offered to host the event since the antenna trailer is currently being housed there. It was decided to defer the decision until the Monday Night Net so Victoria can give input. 145.130: The antenna was OK’d to go back on the Victoria Sheriff’s Department’s tower. Harvey is asking for donations to pay for a bonded climber to mount the antenna. Computer in repeater shack: Jimmy is pretty sure that the computer is bad. Hurshel will come to look at it on Saturday. Cindi Smith, the DeWitt County EMC, is asking for our help this summer. She is hosting a series of summer camps for the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and would like to have some hams come and talk about amateur radio. Ms. Smith also reports that the river gauge at Highway 72 is down due to pending repairs to the bridge. Jimmy moved to adjourn, second by Brian. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. Submitted by Luci Podsim, Secretary. P. S. All members present paid the dues for 2019.