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April Meeting Minutes

Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club Meeting Minutes April 4, 2019 Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Hurshel Pruitt - WB5MEX, Otto Bluntzer - WB2RGB, Harvey Babb - WB5MCT, Bryan Haun - KG5AUZ Guests: Terry Turner - N5HV, Dot Turner - W5DOT, Bryan Friedrichs - KG5QWF, Steven Kester - KE5QZJ, Jim Fields - AE7JS, Bruce Malatek - KI5DDN, Denver Cloer - N5OJB Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm. Previous meeting minutes read. Jimmy moved to accept as read, second by Otto, motion passed. Treasurer’s report: None, treasurer absent. Public Relations: Jimmy remembered to thank Cindi Smith for her contribution of plates and plastic ware and let her know that her book is ready. Points of Interest: Belton Hamfest will be April 6. The 49th annual 72.90 Picnic will be May 11 at the SPJST Lodge Beyersville/Taylor, TX. Plates will be $18 each. Old Business: VARC updates: The repeater is still at the Boxcar location. The landowner is not in a hurry to get it out of there. The antenna is installed at the Sheriff’s Office. Harvey is working on the .19, the plan is to install it at the S. O. soon. Computer in Shack: Still pending. E. T. : Otto has checked out the emergency trailer and found the following: One crank is bent, Otto fixed it but it is hard to turn. There is a water leak that needs to be found. The door hangs off true, making it hard to close. The floor seems to be fine. We need to find some way to cover it. He plans to build an adjustable mount for the HF radio New Business: Water Safari will be the 2nd weekend in June. We will discuss more at the next meeting. Field Day: It is Victoria’s turn to host this event. Jimmy moved to adjourn, second by Luci. Motion passed, meeting adjourn at 7:55 pm. Submitted by Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Secretary

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