August Meeting Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2020
The meeting was held over the air on the Yorktown repeater.
Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5RIF, Harvey Babb - WB5MCT, Bryan Haun - KG5AUZ, Hurshel Pruitt - WB5MEX, Dave Dodge – NV5C, and Otto Bluntzer, WB2RJB
Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm. Previous 5-7-20 meeting minutes were read by Bryan Haun. They were accepted by common consent.
Treasurer’s Report: No activity since last meeting. Current balance of $437.05. Received notice of $5.00 registration for Emergency Trailer (ET). Club approved payment by common consent.
Public Relations: Jimmy noted the web page could use a refresh and that if anyone knows anybody that would like to work on that to let him know.
Points of Interest: Otto noted that he has a second tank for the generator, but it is only half the size of the original repaired one that is on it now. He will be putting fresh fuel in it in November. He also noted that the trailer decking is not holding up very well in the weather and he may cover it with tin. It still needs new tires also.
Old Business: Bryan reported that there was still no update on moving the repeater to the new SO tower by scenic overlook. Project is behind schedule as SO is having to seek additional frequencies before they can order new repeaters and continue moving antennas to new towers. We are still in consideration.
Discussion of Field Day was next. Hurshel reported that he made some contacts from home. Bryan reported that he was mobile and working with the Victoria club to see how far the repeaters would reach. He was able to make contact through the 145.19 and 443.8 repeaters from Cheapside and Westhoff. Otto assisted from home and reported that he heard most mobile operators better direct than through the repeaters.
New Business: Jimmy relayed that Harvey said the domain name registration was coming due and we would need to renew it to keep the short URL. Otto moved and Bryan seconded to pay for the registration. Motion passed by common consent.
Luci moved to adjourn, second by Otto. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Submitted by Bryan Haun, Secretary