September Meeting Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2022
The meeting was held at TrustTexas Bank Community Room in Yorktown.
Attending: Hurshel Pruitt - WB5MEX, Bryan Haun – KG5AUZ, Jimmy Podsim – KD5QHH, Luci Podsim – KD5RIF, and Harvey Babb – WB5MCT. Attending as guest was Jamie Fenner – KI5WOE from Kennedy.
Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm by Hurshel. Previous 8-4-2 meeting minutes were read by Bryan Haun. Jimmy moved and Harvey seconded for their approval. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Dave was absent – no report.
Public Relations: Jimmy had nothing to report.
Points of Interest: Jimmy questioned if the 444.325 repeater is working as he has not been able to reach it. Harvey mentioned that the Victoria club inherited Glenn Futch’s repeater equipment. It is both analog and DMR, also has Echolink and Allstar capability. He is having a hard time figuring out how it all operates. Victoria is also looking for an antenna climber to put up new repeater antennas.
Old Business:
Harvey reported that the domain has been moved to Wix and we are registered for 3 years.
Hurshel had no further information on VHF Society coordination. Bryan had no further information on the repeater move as we are still waiting on an antenna climber also.
New Business:
None. Jamie Fenner from Kennedy was congratulated on his recent license and welcomed.
Luci moved to adjourn, second by Harvey. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Submitted by Bryan Haun, Secretary