March 2018 Minutes
Coleto Creek Amateur Radio Club March 1, 2018 Attending: Jimmy Podsim - KD5QHH, Luci Podsim - KD5QHH, Dave - NV5C, Otto - WB2RJB, Harvey Babb - WB5MCT Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm. Previous meeting minutes read. Otto moved to accept as read, Dave second. Motion passed. Treasurer’s report - We started at $71.96, after a check to Harvey for $12.46 for the purchase of the battery charger minus club dues and adding the collected dues of $100, we have $159.50. Jimmy moved to accept, second by Harvey, motion passed. Public relations - The letter to the church was mailed. The hit counter on the web site is around 375, somewhat slower than in the recent past. Points of Interest - Jimmy posted an interesting article on the club’s FB page about the granting of phone privileges on 20, 40 and 80 meters. Harvey was notified that he was using out of date 605 renewal forms. The problem has been straightened out. Midland Hamfest is March 16 & 17. Belton will be April 6 & 7. Georgetown’s Hamfest will also be on March 17 and Greater Houston on March 16 & 17. Old Business: Antenna Trailer: Otto bought two tubes at Wholesale Tire which has recently changed ownership so he has not been able to pick them up yet. He hopes to do so on Monday. Batter Charger: Harvey has purchased the charger and we are waiting for someone to come up with a battery. Harvey said that he will look for a relay to use when the club gets together to hook it up. New Business: None Jimmy moved to adjourn, second by Harvey. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm. Submitted by Luci Podsim, Secretary